
Welcome! Whether you've linked to our blogs from The Rose of Sharon Religious Books and Articles website, or from any other site, you are invited to join in our discussions on the various topics of Christian spirituality. Our blogs include St.Ciaran's Critter Connection (the spirituality of animal care), Spirituali-TEA (religious values and spirituality in the home and family), Saints for Our Days, and will grow in number as interest is expressed.

Come and listen to the associated live internet radio talk shows on The Rose of Sharon on BlogTalkRadio

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THE ROSE OF SHARON Shows ~ St. Ciaran's Critter Connection

St. Ciaran's Critter Connection Internet Radio Show

Join us for our live internet radio shows on Thursday Mornings at 11 AM.

You can register at BLOGTalkRadio, and once there you have the opportunity to listen or participate in thousands of shows. BUT, be sure to come to ours first!

If you have a story you'd like to share, tell it on St.Ciaran's Critter Connection Radio Show!

If you have a pet needing adoption, we can let folks know online and on the air. THERE ARE NO FEES.
Let's help animals find the families they need.

To list your animals, as individuals or rescue workers, e-mail your information to us at RoseOfSharonShop@aol.com


FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ANY OF THESE BEAUTIFUL PETS CONTACT Friends of Monroe County Homeless Animals 570.994.7354 http://fomcha.com/default.aspx info@FOMCHA.com

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Keep Up With Animal WELFARE

What is going on in this country regarding animals? What is the confusion? There are animal welfare groups, and animal rights groups. What are their differences?

These are important questions for anyone who truly loves animals and values the life in each one of them. These become questions of a moral nature when one believes that we as humans are responsible for how we treat animals as creatures of God. Are we owners or stewards? Are we caring or just controlling? Do we understand the Judeo-Christian lesson to be that we DOMINATE or PROTECT the earth and its creatures? Are we gods, or stewards?

My own response to this has been deepening as I learn the various facts about animal rights groups and animal welfare groups. There are differences, and they are MAJOR.

Well-meaning animal lovers are financially supporting, in innocent ignorance, groups that are responsible for the killing of countless animals in this country, for NO OTHER REASON than that THEY BELIEVE it is more humane to kill animals than to house them with humans, to herd them on farms, or to maintain any control over the population on the Earth such as pet ownership, herding, farming or hunting. The relationship that humans have and have had with animals for centuries is disregarded, and the fake concern for the animals expresses itself dishonestly--at times as "animal rescue" which only confiscates and kills, or animal control, breed control, which leads the poor who own pets to have to relinquish them because of unjust fees and financial burden placed upon poor owners. Their animals/pets are relinquished, NOT readopted and then killed.

This is happening all over the United States, in every state and locale.

EDUCATE YOURSELVES NOW. You can read about this here: http://nathanwinograd.blogspot.com

and here: http://www.responsiblepetowners.org


As a pet owner I have legal responsibility, and legally "own" my animals under civil law. All that means is that in this society, under civil law I am responsible for their care. I live in society, and that is the current law. Animal Rights activists would make me only a "guardian" and not a "legal owner."


Morally, again, I am responsible for the care of animals I own legally. Spiritually, according to my Christian beliefs, God "owns" us all--but I, as a human, am a "steward of creation" and my civil ownership doesn't allow me to mistreat my pets. That is maintain their welfare. That is the moral distinction between animal "rights" and animal "welfare." It is often confused.

"Animal Rights," in civil terms, ultimately gives an animal the right to equal opportunity...we will both walk down Main Street USA together, wild lions and I, herds of cattle and I (until they die of starvation here in the Northern winter), and I cannot contain them or interfere with them (read: house, farm, own). Better they be dead than controlled humanely is the ultimate concept behind animal "rights" groups, and that takes away the "right to respect and care" that every animal deserves! Animal rights laws make me ONLY a legal guardian, and as a "legal guardian" the STATE, not I, has ultimate ownership and responsibility for the animals in my "possession." The state and not I makes ALL decisions regarding the animal. THIS is a dangerous change of understanding, and it is happening everywhere!

"Animal Welfare" is about the humane treatment of animals, by those who OWN them LEGALLY under CIVIL LAW (which protects owners' rights), AND about the moral respect of the living creatures which we owe them as "STEWARDS of Creation" according to biblical lessons and principles.

If you have a beloved pet, if you are a farmer, if you are a breeder of show animals, it is IMPORTANT that you EDUCATE yourself and know what and who it is that is attacking your rights, as an American citizen, to live with, love and own, yes civilly own, and protect animals.

This show, ST.CIARAN'S CRITTER CONNECTION, is dedicated to keeping this matter before our listeners. In addition I highly recommend that you tune into ANIMAL WISE RADIO show at:http://www.animalwiseradio.com/ which is a wonderful source of information!

Additionally we STRONGLY RECOMMEND listening to Nathan J. Winograd's podcasts on the ANIMAL TRUST RADIO:

Tune into ST.CIARAN'S CRITTER CONNECTION Thurdays at 11 AM, or download our podcasts from BlogTalkRadio or iTunes at your convenience. Share your bond with animals!


Friday, May 16, 2008

It Seems Some of Us Are Less Equal Than Others

Yup, at the end of the day it seems some of us are less equal than others, less deserving of respect, privacy and protection of our rights. Yes, here in the U.S.A.

Today I had the good fortune to interview Dr. Joan Esnayra who is the trailblazer for the use of Psychiatric Service Dogs by those with mental illness. This is a subject dear to my own heart because discovering Dr. Esnayra and her online community a few years ago changed my own life for the better. I suffer from depression, anxiety and PTSD. I suffer from this not just when these conditions attack with full force, but I suffer from the sense of embarrassment many in society try to place on all those with any form of mental illness. I suffer from the symptoms and the underlying conditions of these symptoms. I suffer because I worry about when they might creep up on me and say BOO!

For many years I worked from home. I have been happily married to a wonderful man, my best friend, for almost 28 years. I raised a family, including many children who passed through our home. I cared for my mother-in-law, my elderly aunt, and my dying parents. I did what I had to do to supplement our family income from home so I could be available to those I love as well. It has been a very wonderful life, filled with love and joy, despite my own cross.

After my mother died my grief became severe, and my chronic depression took over. Yet I was planning with my husband to open a small store. The prospect of working out of the house again, often alone in our shop, and dealing with strangers overwhelmed me with a crippling anxiety that threatened to put a brutal stop to our plans--plans we needed to fulfill for our own financial survival.

I heard about psychiatric service dogs (PSD)from a couple of different people, and went researching to find out more. That is when I came across Dr. Esnayra on the web, and joined her online community. I was with a group of caring people, who were happy to help newcomers learn more about PSD, how to go about finding an appropriate dog, get the training needed for the dog and myself to work as a team together for my benefit. I finally felt there was hope, and that I could have some control over my own future, not be bound to my home by the fear of leaving it.

I had a German Shepherd who already was bonded with me. Indeed, I'd rarely ever been without a German Shepherd in my entire life...I later discovered my personal reasons for that through my therapy sessions. My GSD, Honey, was already very familiar with me, my symptoms and my habits. It became a matter of working closely and consistently with her, over a year's time, to convert our bond to a relationship that could allow me the freedom to make the move I had to make to work at our new store. This meant training Honey not only to "notice" my symptoms, but to respond to them in a manner that would interfere, interrupt them so that they would not escalate into a situation which was paralyzing for me. Severe anxiety attacks do that. Those of you who've experienced them know this. Some experience them once or twice in a lifetime as a result of an immediate and overt stress, and some live a lifetime imprisoned by them. Assaulted by them. I had medication, yet was still subject to their attacks, unexpectedly. Triggers, if severe enough, can fight medication as well. I was assaulted and now had yet another way, in addition to my medication and therapy, to "fight back" and win.

Honey would paw me over and over when I began to show signs of anxiety (my symptoms were visible). If pawing didn't get my undivided attention, she jumped on my lap, nuzzled me and licked until there was no choice but turn my attention to her, rather than that which was totally taking over in my mind--and body. Those who suffer depression know it can take a life of its own, where we are feeling totally out of control. Honey would NOT allow me to hide in bed. It was just not allowed. The last time I suffered a very severe anxiety attack was while driving on an interstate. Honey, who sat staring at me in the passenger seat of my van began pawing me without stop. She began her woof as she pawed. She knew she was not to jump on me while driving, so woof was the added alarm she set for me. Instead of driving up a tree, I pulled the car to the side of the road and grounded myself. I was there over an hour to refocus and reclaim my body and mind. Honey saved my life that night, because my driving became very erratic. A month later, Honey suffered a massive stroke and died, but not before I held her and thanked her for all she gave of herself to me. She gave me freedom.

Mental illness is a physical condition, treated with little material pills--like those I take for my heart condition and my diabetes. Pills--medicine, treat physical, medical conditions. Hormonal problems are physical, not emotional or imagined. The symptoms can be emotional, but the underlying condition is physical.

Those who are afraid of, those who are cruel to, those who try to impose laws and restrictions upon humans who suffer from various forms of mental illness are also very ignorant of it. They lump all conditions into one category and label it as something to be feared, suspected, shunned and now punished by taking way rights to medical privacy. The next step, I fear are armbands... Isn't that what Hitler did?

I am posting in this blog information from the Psychiatric Service Dog's website at: www.psychdogs.org and this information is extremely important and very serious. It is about stigmatizing and demanding to have the personal medical information of those who suffer from mental illness. It is about the Department of Transportation and its planned restrictions on an individual with mental illness traveling with a psychiatric service dog on an airline. They must provide their mental health history, documented by a mental health professional 48 days before air travel!! Diabetic, Hearing Impaired, Blind, and any others who use service dogs are not being targeted by the DOT--only those with mental illness--those whose physical condition has mental symptoms. This is profiling at its worst because it is attacking some of the most vulnerable in our society--those who may be afraid to defend their own rights. It is bullying, but I'm afraid it is far more serious than that even. There is a sinister element to this type of profiling. The government has NO RIGHT to this type of discrimination.

If after reading this information below, from the PSDS website, you agree that this move on the part of the DOT is WRONG, PLEASE send an e-mail to: joan.esnayra@mac.com who is collecting e-mails of protest to present on JUNE 3, 2008 at a hearing on this matter.

If a person with mental illness, who uses a service dog for freedom of activity should need to visit a dying family member or travel for a sudden death...s/he will not be able to do so because DOT will require a 48 day notice with all his or her mental health information disclosed.

This is shameful, unethical, and God-only-knows where it will lead. Let us learn from history. History teaches this kind of fascism leads to no good place.

Please consider this seriously. Evil triumphs when good people are apathetic.


Campaign TALK BACK!

The U.S. Department of Transportation released new regulations under the Air Carrier Access Act on May 7, 2008. The new regulations require Psychiatric Service Dog handlers to notify the airlines 48 hours in advance every time they fly with their Service Dog. Additionally, handlers must submit a doctor's letter at least 48 hours in advance of travel that discloses their DSM-IV diagnoses, explains the handler's need for a Psychiatric Service Dog, provides evidence of the clinician's status as a licensed mental health professional, and attests to the fact that the handler is his/her patient. No other disability group is subject to these new rules. In fact, the new regulations state explicitly that airlines are prohibited from requiring documentation from any disabled Service Dog handler, unless the individual has a mental health disability.

The Air Carrier Access Act is a federal civil rights law that is intended to remedy "…discriminatory, inconsistent and unpredictable treatment' of air travelers with disabilities…." Nonetheless, DOT has decided that persons living with mental health disabilities who utilize a Service Dog in order to manage their disability must be controlled, identified, and otherwise discriminated against, selectively and systematically. In the press release that accompanied DOT's release of the Final Rules, the U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters said, "This revised rule expands the protections people with disabilities will enjoy while traveling by air". It appears that Ms. Peters is either sleeping on the job or something sinister is brewing at DOT. Since when, in the post civil rights era of the United States, is it acceptable to single-out an entire class of disabled persons and impose restrictive measures selectively upon them in the name of 'preventing potential abuse' as the DOT claims these new regulations will do?

The Psychiatric Service Dog Society is collecting written statements from those who will be directly affected by these new rules. We encourage all Psychiatric Service Dog handlers to send us an email expressing your outrage and horror at the selective oppression these new regulations represent. In the name of 'preventing potential abuse' the U.S. Department of Transportation has abrogated its legal responsibility to uphold the Air Carrier Access Act, a major civil rights law. You may remember it from a long time ago.

Please 'Talk Back' to DOT in regards to the new regulations. Include your full name and snail mail address. All testimony will be presented to DOT officials in the near future. Please refrain from using slang or profanity in your correspondence. It undermines our collective efforts. Let the Psychiatric Service Dog Society be your VOICE in Washington, DC. Stay tuned for further updates.

You can access and download the New Air Carrier Access Regulations from here: http://www.psychdog.org/comm_talkback.html

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Topic: Psychiatric Service Dogs
Guest: Dr. Joan Esnayra

Discussion about the service offered by trained dogs to those who suffer from mental illness. Dogs can help individuals reclaim their lives and their confidence.

Callers are welcome. 646-200-4653

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Air Time: 11 AM Eastern (US)

Therapy Animals

Guest: To Be Announced

Saturday, April 19, 2008

St. Ciaran's Critter Connection Thursday April 24th!

This week come meet and talk with
the author of:
and the sweet book:
You can prepare for the show by reading a review of her book here: Book Review
This is a wonderful way to set the tone of our showsas both a spiritual and joyful time
together to celebrate the love we discover when living with the creatures
God had given to this world!
Join Us, Listen In, Call In!
Thursday, April 24th at 11 AM EDT
(Don't forget to bring your morning coffee!)
If you can't make the live show, you can always here it later at:
I look forward to your joining us!
Cait Finnegan